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Transfer of the right to recourse


Article 247.- Transfer of the right to recourse
After having indemnified the assured, the insurer shall have the right to recourse against the person who is responsible for such loss (hereinafter referred to as the third party) within the amount paid. The insurer shall exercise this right in accordance with the provisions applicable to the assured.

Article 248.- The assured’s obligations in the recourse against the third party
1. The assured shall be obliged to provide the insurer with all information, documents as well as proofs and to take necessary measures to enable the insurer to exercise the right to recourse against the third party.
2. Where the assured fails to perform the obligations specified in Clause 1 of this Article or he/she is at fault that makes the insurer’s right to recourse unexercisable, the insurer shall be exempt from the payment of the whole indemnify or enjoy a reasonable reduction of the payable indemnity.
3. If the assured has received the indemnity for losses from the third party, the insurer shall be obliged to pay only the difference between the indemnity amount according to the contract of insurance and the amount of money the assured received from the third party.

Article 249.- Guarantee for general average contributions
1. The insurer must guarantee for general average contributions within the limit of the insured sum on the basis of the assured’s commitment to general average contributions.2. When adjusting general average, the assured shall be obliged to pay due attention to the insurer’s interests.